

  1. Mobile Developer Intern

    Baykar Technology 2024/02 - 2024/05

    During my long-term internship, I was involved in the development of mobile applications using React Native. This experience allowed me to work closely with a large and diverse team, providing valuable insights into collaborative project management and agile methodologies. Over the course of the internship, I developed strong problem-solving skills and adapted to the fast-paced environment of corporate work dynamics. This internship not only enhanced my technical expertise but also prepared me for professional challenges in a corporate setting.

  2. Android Developer Intern

    Vane Teknoloji A.Ş. 2023/07 - 2023/08

    During my internship at the company, I was able to significantly enhance my computer engineering skills by working on mobile app development projects. I completed two key projects during my tenure - a movie discovery app and a to-do list app - utilizing the Kotlin programming language. Throughout both projects, I prioritized the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) model and implemented Clean Code principles in the coding phase. I also carried out data extraction operations using the Retrofit library and stored the required data with Room Database. Throughout this process, I enhanced my teamwork skills by observing team dynamics and contributed towards the successful completion of the projects.

  3. Software Developer (Part Time)

    Puhu Teknoloji A.Ş. 2021/03 - 2023/04

    During my time at the company, I played an active role in resolving software issues and operational challenges. Specifically, I contributed significantly to developing a system to monitor our product stock transactions. I also participated in the software development processes for the Electronic Shelf Labels Project and the management software project, utilizing the C# programming language. Later, my fascination with mobile software development projects within the company directed me towards playing a significant part in schemes that allowed controlling and updating of electronic devices via mobile devices. These schemes leveraged BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) technology, and the collective working spirit and cooperation within the team were pivotal in accomplishing the objectives. Throughout all of my experiences, I have honed my skills in resolving complex software issues and improving my ability to collaborate effectively with my team.


  1. Duzce University

    2020 - 2024

    Bachelor's Degree / Computer Engineering

  2. Duzce University

    2019 - 2020

    Preparatory / English Preparation

  3. Yenimahalle Sehit Mehmet Sengul Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School

    2014 - 2018

    High School / Database Programming

My skills

  • Kotlin
  • Java
  • React Native
  • C#
  • Swift
  • SQL